Can you white teeth and a dazzling smile from natural products? Of course, we present you some tips for having white teeth by following some simple tricks ...
Who is he or she who does not want to have white teeth and a dazzling smile!? Smiling is the best way of communicating with people, transmits confidence and sense of goodwill.
This is why you should always white teeth and cure. Valuable advice on this matter has given Italian, Laura De Luca, a renowned expert in the field of bio-natural.
The latter are plant species that have the capability of bacteria bleaching and cleaning. They have the ability to reduce the formation of calculus on the teeth and provide a natural protection for the gums and oral cavity.
But where to find Toothpaste composition for Arctic lichens have white teeth? Simple, the pharmacy will find Toothpaste based on lichens of Iceland, with a bleaching effect. You advisable to talk to your pharmacist, who will give you the most suitable product for your problem.
What are the products to have white teeth?
To have perfectly white teeth is good to know that some dealers are special lotions, which are based on active oxygen, thanks to which it is possible for you to have whiter teeth.
Another ingredient to have white teeth are some special types of dental masks, which are applied during each night, for a time period of two weeks.
Even these kind of masks can be purchased in pharmacies and it is advisable to be used only for short periods. Otherwise disturbance caused by food and drinks cold or hot can really become excessive.
Another alternative between these councils and a solution is quite natural soda bread. Soda bread, a necessary component of any kitchen, among other things, cleans and whiten teeth.
Can I mix a tablespoon of baking soda, a little salt and add a few drops of vinegar, this mixture of brushing your teeth. This procedure can not repeat more than 3 times per month.
What is the product of the grandmother to have white teeth?
Want to keep your teeth white with a totally natural product? Try to keep your teeth a fresh sage leaves before washing them.
This type of method does not damage the enamel and the smell is appropriate.
The teeth will be white even if you rinse the mixing of the laurel leaves and dried orange peels.
Pour into a container an equal amount of dried leaves, and the ground of laurel and orange peel and add a little water.
Ziejini and then get a small portion of fluid gain and hold to act in the mouth for 3-4 minutes.
After this move teeth with toothpaste wash.